Great Wednesday!!
I am staring a new series on Wednesday’s called, Warm-hearted Wednesday. I realize that our words and our thoughts literally create the trajectory of our lives. As a person who has battled depression most of my life, I want to extend what being a kind soul means and looks like. I want to show others that there are still good people are still in this world. So, let’s dig in a bit and talk about what it means to be warm-hearted.
Used as an adjective from the New Oxford American Dictionary it’s described: of a person or their actions, sympathetic and kind. In order to gain clarity in all of this, lets dig some more. What does sympathetic mean? In so many words, it means to have the same emotions as someone else. What does kind mean? Used as a noun, it can describe someone’s character or nature.
With having an understanding of what these words mean now, how do we extend this to someone else? One way that you can be a warm-hearted person is, when a friend or family member come to you with something that hurt them, by listening and speaking words of and with love, you are extending that characteristic. Trying to put yourself in their shoes, helps give you a bit of an understanding of what that person is experiencing. It doesn’t take much to be a warm-hearted individual. It just takes intention and purpose behind what you do.